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Merci de tout cœur à la ville de Manosque pour nous avoir invités à participer à cette exposition à Notre Dame de Romigier. Le vernissage aura lieu le 29 Juin à 18h et nous vous attendons nombreux. Je suis ravie et honorée de partager ce lieu avec Benoit de Souza et de voir mes photographies exposées en dualité avec ses œuvres artistiques magnifiques.

Un photographe est un rêveur d’images. Je vous propose un voyage dans les recoins inusités du royaume d’Hadès, au-delà de la ligne séparant réalité et rêve.

C’est dans les contrastes extrêmes que je trouve mon inspiration. Entre les entrailles de la ville et la beauté classique des nus.

La ligne entre les deux mondes semble large et haute tels des remparts moyenâgeux, pourtant les brèches sont nombreuses et c’est entre leurs lèvres fines que je vous propose de laisser votre regard s’égarer tout en relisant des citations de Jean Giono qui accompagnes chaque photographie.

Mes photographies seront exposées là-bas jusqu’à la fin Septembre 2016.

4 thoughts on “RENCONTRES

    • Thank you so much Dan
      I have been a bit overwhelmed lately and absent from WordPress
      I hope to catch up lost time soon
      I wish you could come to Provence For the vernissage of the next exhibit… Europe seems so little but it isn’t !

      Liked by 1 person

      • Hello Agnes! I apologise for my late answer! The culprit is Euro 2016! I’m loving football and I follow with carefully the European competition. For this reason I am less present in the blogosphere during this period. Sorrowfully, I inform you that during this period France is not a place to visit it with pleasure. Terrorism and revolts of trade union caused by the imposition of labor laws that disadvantage France workers, creates a tense atmosphere and dangerous for travel. I have not yet visited Paris and I wish to go there, but I have to wait for more peaceful times. Distances between European countries are relatively small, but political distances are increasingly larger.
        Today Great Britain has left the European Union! France probably will retire after the 2017 elections and that is the end of the project for a united Europe. The coming years will be heavy, for us in Europe!
        I’m sure that you have success with the exhibition, because you have a courageous and original art which impresses with association between feminine sensibility and hardness of metal. I hope that you make a post with images from the exhibition in France! Spiritual, I will be with you!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Dan, I realize how hopeless I am at politics when such a major event is striking us and I do not know the implications or fail to understand the subtleties about it. I wish my mind was more clear on humans sometimes but then again maybe not… I will try to make a post for the last exhibit starting next week. Thank you for your kind words and be well.


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