Sinking lies or rising truth…Visual Echo, Mirror

I breathe on it and my life spread a foggy spell enough to blur all harshness and sharp definitions. Do I exist without reflection, thoughts and images are one in the mercury cloud?

Others see me like that?

Weapon of deceit, fear, mirrors can hide you better than an invisibility cloak. But you know.

Gateway, witness, charm, spell, light and darkness, whether whole or broken it is who you are for the others, it is who you are in the present it gives back what it receives.

I don’t see your reflection now I only see you. The mirror turned into water or sky, your hand approaches the water wall.

Crossing is accessible.

5 thoughts on “ECHO

  1. Reblogged this on From guestwriters and commented:
    Some might think God is blind or are deaf to His calling and to His answers, often because they prefer keeping stuck with human dogmatic teachings, like the trinity, or because they still do not want to give themselves in the Hands of the Divine Maker.

    We are often so afraid of what would happen if we let ourselves go, giving our inner self into the hands of the One Who we cannot see. Also we are so much afraid of facing ourself, having to be confronted with our mirror image. Who likes the naughty bits of himself? Who wants to be confronted with that which is not so good about himself?

    We often want to criticise others but do not like to receive criticism ourselves, and to criticise ourselves is even more difficult.

    When we dare to look through the clouds and fog we shall see the light that can bring us further on the path of a richer life. Behind all darkness is the God of light and clarity. Lets look for Him Who gives life.


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